From time to time, WildSpring offers workshops where guests can choose to learn or create something of interest to them.
Learn how to make a Native American dreamcatcher or talking stick out of deer lace, stones, beads, crystals and feathers. Learn leaf printing on fabric or paper, for art and custom greeting cards. Local artists can teach pastels, watercolors and acrylics.
These will require reservations and will have a fee, depending on materials. Check the Workshops page to see what is scheduled.
Occasionally, we schedule retreats planned around a specific area of interest, such as women's issues, spiritual evolution, artistic expression. Retreats will be a package, where the fee will include lodging, activities and some meals. Check the Retreats page to see what is scheduled.
If you would like to be notified of upcoming events, please send us your email address and we will keep you posted. |

Native American dreamcatchers
